OK, enough of all that masculine stuff! Here's a fun summer card using the pinwheel technique that I've seen popping up everywhere.
Although it looks very tricky to make, it's actually so easy. The hardest part for me, was finding a patterned paper that I liked the front and back of for the pinwheel design.
1. You're going to cut a square the size you want your pinwheel to be. This one is 3"x3".
2. Next, you take a pair of scissors and cut toward the center from each of the corners-Do Not cut all the way to the center. You want to leave some uncut paper.
3. Fold one corner toward the center and press on the back edge. Continue this clockwise until all of the ends overlap in the center.
4. Lastly, grab your paper piercer, pierce through the edges in the center of the pinwheel and add a brad. This holds everything in place.
These are so fun to make and you can make them different every time! My design kind of resembles a present. Too cute! I would love to see your pinwheel if you decide to make one, so be sure to leave me a link. Thanks for stopping by!
Stamps: Bring on the Cake
Paper: Crumb Cake & Sweet Always DSP
Ink: Chocolate Chip Classic Ink
Accessories: Scissors, Paper Piercer & Mat Pack, Brown Brad and a Glue Dot
AHSC613 Celebrate
5 hours ago
What a cute card. I have seen a lot of pinwheels also. I like your pinwheel and the paper you used for it. TFS
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